75th Anniversary Signy Reunion (Archive Only)


University of Birmingham

17th – 20th MARCH 2022


There have been four Signy reunions to date.  Two were held in Whitby to mark the 40th and 50th anniversaries of the opening of Base H whilst the 60th was held in Cambridge.  None of us are getting any younger so no surprise that we realised too late that the 70th anniversary was upon us and we had to instead hold the event the following year, again in Cambridge.  

Following the success of this latest reunion in 2018, it was generally agreed that the next reunion should be held sooner rather than later and that we should take the opportunity of celebrating, to the day, the 75th Anniversary of the official opening of Base H.  The organiser John (Percy) Edwards proposed that the reunion be held at the campus of the University of Birmingham, which is one of the world’s top 100 educational institutions.  Founded in 1900, it has always been a pioneer and was notably the UK’s first civic university, welcoming students regardless of their social or religious background. The modern campus is well worth walking around with its mix of old and new architecture and extensive parkland.


You can view an aerial tour of the Uni at https://youtu.be/62wBMSUnuaY


As many will be aware, there is a strong connection between UK Antarctic research and the University.  In the 1960’s Birmingham was home to several sections of the British Antarctic Survey before the BAS headquarters building was opened in Cambridge in 1976. The sections included Geology under Dr Ray Adie and Botany under Dr Stanley Greene as well as the Marine Geophysics unit. 



To further aid communication between Fids, a private Facebook group “Base H Signy Island (75th Ann and beyond)” has been set up.  Also a WhatsApp group called “Base H Signy 75th” for those with smart phones.   Please ask to join / follow either / both if interested.  They might be useful in the years to come.

Reunion Venue

 Edgbaston Park Hotel and Conference Centre, 53 Edgbaston Park Road, Birmingham B15 2RS


The Edgbaston Park Hotel and Conference Centre is a recent addition to the University of Birmingham campus and has a full range of up to date accommodation as well as meeting rooms for the Reunion.  It also usefully offers free parking for those staying at the hotel.   

Hotel reception telephone   0121-414-8888


Booking Accommodation 

The Reunion will run from Thursday evening through to Sunday morning, although it is appreciated some may not be able to arrive until the Friday evening or Saturday.   However, you will be spoilt for choice for things to see and do in the city and university so why not make a long weekend of it!


Reunion Booking

With the success of the vaccine roll-out and the likelihood of an autumn booster, the prospects for getting together safely in March 2022 look good, but because of the impossibility of getting cancellation insurance early bookings are especially important this year.  

** Reunion Attendees List – this is available via the Archive Page

Reunion Programme

The organisers are particularly keen that stories and accounts of life & work on the modern summer-only, no longer all-male, Signy base, should feature at the Reunion – not just the early ‘heroic’ days – and would welcome anyone who could give a talk or who feels like making a contribution to the Special 75th Anniversary magazine getting in touch asap via jaejed@hotmail.com or 07837 198355.

It is hoped that people will bring Signy artifacts etc., for display in the meeting room during the weekend.


Final Programme (pdf)


More archive material (including reports, photographs, etc.) from this reunion and the previous three events are available on the Archive page