You will be aware of Bob’s sad death on 15 January 2021. Many of his friends have been asking for information about plans to celebrate his life and achievements. Such planning is underway but is complicated by Covid-related and other constraints on numbers, venues and facilities.
This communication, which is being shared with the main organisations with which Bob was associated (i.e. BAS, SGA, SGHT, SPRI) -so apologies for cross-postings- is simply to inform you that: a) an “event” is planned, probably in early April in Cambridge; b) details of arrangements will be conveyed as soon as these are finalised.
However, it is almost certain that venues cannot accommodate all those who may wish to attend in person and therefore arrangements for participation via Zoom are also in preparation.
Please do not respond to this. We will let you know more as soon as possible.
Jackie Burton
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