There are now 63 Fids & guests booked for the celebrations to commemorate the 75th Anniversary of the founding of the first British base on Signy Island.
As previously confirmed, the event will now be able to go ahead (barring the unlikely event of another Government lockdown) and bookings can continue to be made (or amended) until the end of 2021, but if you want to avoid letters / cheques etc being trapped in the Christmas post feel free to book in November! The Barton Arms “Tales of the Tiles” tour and meal is fully booked and I have started a waiting list of names interested in the event people drop out.
Since the last email Captain Stuart Lawrence has kindly agreed to give a short anecdotal after-dinner speech and several people have come forward to say they will give talks and slide presentations on the Saturday. In addition Derren Fox has kindly provided some great images of the Base and Signy as it is today.
John (Percy) Edwards
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